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Mojo graphics font

Class Font Extends std.resource.Resource#

The Font class.

Fonts are used when drawing text to a canvas using Canvas.DrawText.

To load a font, use the Font.Load function. Fonts should be in .otf, .ttf or .fon format.

Once a font is loaded it can be used with a canvas via the Canvas.Font property.

FirstChar The first character in the font. (read only)
Height The font height in pixels. (read only)
NumChars The number of characters in the font. (read only)
GetGlyph Gets the glyph for a character.
GetGlyphPage Gets the glyph page for a character.
GetKerning Gets the kerning between 2 characters.
TextWidth Measures the width of some text when rendered by the font.
Load Loads a font from a file.