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To declare a method:

Method Identifier [ <GenericTypeIdents> ] [ : ReturnType ] ( Arguments ) [ Modifiers ]

ReturnType defaults to Void if omitted.

Arguments is a comma separated list of parameter declarations.

Modifiers can only be used with class methods, and can be one of:

  • Abstract - method is abstract and has no statements block or End terminator. Any class with an abstract method is implicitly abstract.
  • Virtual - method is virtual and can be dynamically overridden by a subclass method.
  • Override - method is virtual and overrides a super class or interface method.
  • Override Final - method is virtual, overrides a super class or interace method and cannot be overridden by subclasses.
  • Final - method is non-virtual and cannot be overridden by a subclass method.

Methods are Final by default.