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Mojo graphics canvas drawimage

Method DrawImage:Void( image:Image,tx:Float,ty:Float,shader:Shader=Null )#
Method DrawImage:Void( image:Image,tx:Float,ty:Float,rz:Float,shader:Shader=Null )#
Method DrawImage:Void( image:Image,tx:Float,ty:Float,rz:Float,sx:Float,sy:Float,shader:Shader=Null )#
Method DrawImage:Void( image:Image,tv:std.geom.Vec2f,shader:Shader=Null )#
Method DrawImage:Void( image:Image,tv:std.geom.Vec2f,rz:Float,shader:Shader=Null )#
Method DrawImage:Void( image:Image,tv:std.geom.Vec2f,rz:Float,sv:std.geom.Vec2f,shader:Shader=Null )#

Draws an image. Draws an image using the current Color, BlendMode and Matrix.

tx tx X coordinate to draw image at.
ty ty Y coordinate to draw image at.
tv tv X/Y coordinates to draw image at.
rz rz Rotation angle, in radians, for drawing.
sx sx X axis scale factor for drawing.
sy sy Y axis scale factor for drawing.
sv sv X/Y scale factor for drawing.