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Std geom vec3


Struct Vec3#

The generic Vec3 type provides support for 3 component vectors.

Unless otherwise noted, methods and operators always return a new vec3 containing the result, without modifying any parameters or 'self'.

This allows you to chain operators together easily just like 'real' expressions.

x The vector x coordinate.
y The vector y coordinate.
z The vector z coordinate.
Length Returns the length of the vec3. (read only)
Pitch Returns the pitch of the vec3. (read only)
X The X coordinate of the vec3.
XY The XY components of the vec3 as a vec2.
XZ The XZ components of the vec3 as a vec2.
Y The Y coordinate of the vec3.
YZ The YZ components of the vec3 as a vec2.
Yaw Returns the yaw of the vec3. (read only)
Z The X coordinate of the vec3.
Operator * Multiplies the vec3 by another vec3.
Operator + Adds the vec3 to another vec3.
Operator - Negates the vec3.
Operator / Divides the vec3 by another vec3.
Blend Blends the vec3 with another vec3.
Cross Returns the cross product of the vec3 with another vec3.
Distance Returns the distance of the vec to another vec3.
Dot Returns the dot product of the vec3 with another vec3.
Normalize Normalizes the vec3.
To Converts the vec3 to a vec3 of a different type or a printable string.