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Std fiber fiber


Struct Fiber#

Fibers provide support for asynchronous programming.

A Fiber is a lightweight 'thread of execution' that can be used to achieve a form of cooperative multitasking.

A fiber can be in one of 4 states:

  • Running. There is only ever one fiber in the running state at a time. This is the fiber returned by Fiber.Current.

  • Suspended. A fiber is in the suspended state if it has called Fiber.Suspend. A suspended fiber can only be returned to the running state by some other fiber calling Resume on it.

  • Paused. A fiber is in the paused state after it has called Resume on another fiber and that fiber has resumed running. A paused fiber will continue running when the fiber it resumed calls Suspend or exits normally.

  • Terminated. The fiber has either returned from i's entry function, or has been explicitly terminated via a call to Terminate.

New Creates a new fiber.
Debug (read only)
Resume Resumes a suspended fiber.
Terminate Terminates a fiber.
CreateSuspended - not really needed?
Current Gets the currently running fiber.
Main Gets the main fiber.
Sleep Puts current fiber to sleep.
Suspend Suspends the current fiber.