BitCount |
The original bitcount 8/12/16/24/32 |
Bits |
The bitsize, this will be either 8 or 16. (read only) |
Data |
The actual audio data. (read only) |
Duration |
The duration, in seconds, of the audio. (read only) |
Echo |
Filter |
Format |
The format of the audio. (read only) |
Hertz |
The playback rate of the audio. (read only) |
Length |
The length, in samples, of the audio. (read only) |
Locked |
(read only) |
Loop |
Returns true if a loop has been set |
LoopEnd |
LoopStart |
Mode1 |
Returns true if a CMI Mode1 voice has been detected |
Path |
Porta |
PortaSpeed |
Size |
The size, in bytes of the audio data. (read only) |
StartSeg |
Stereo |
Is the Audio Stereo? This will be either true for stereo or false for mono. (read only) |
Volume |
Volume2 |