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Mojo input mousedevice


Class MouseDevice#

The MouseDevice class.

To access the mouse device, use the global Mouse constant.

The mouse device should only used after a new AppInstance is created.

Cursor The mouse cursor, see MouseCursor enumeration for details.
Location The mouse location.
PointerVisible Pointer visiblity state.
Wheel The mouse wheel delta value since the last app update. (read only)
WheelX The mouse wheel delta x value since the last app update. (read only)
WheelY The mouse wheel delta y value since the last app update. (read only)
X X coordinate of the mouse location. (read only)
Y Y coordinate of the mouse location. (read only)
ButtonDown Checks the current up/down state of a mouse button.
ButtonPressed Checks if a mouse button was pressed.
ButtonReleased Checks if a mouse button was released.