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Global Functions#

To declare a global function:

Function Identifier [ GenericParams ] [ : ReturnType ] ( Parameters )

ReturnType defaults to Void if omitted.

Parameters is a comma separated list of parameter declarations.

Class methods#

The syntax for declaring a class method is:

Method Identifier [ GenericParams ] [ : ReturnType ] ( Parameters ) [ Virtual | Abstract | Override | Final | Override Final ]

If a method is declared Virtual or Abstract, it can be overriden by methods in derived classes. Overriding methods must have the same return type and parameter types as the class method, and must be declared Override.

If a method is declared Abstract, no implementation may be provided (ie: no 'statements' or 'End'). Such a method must be overriden by a method in a derived class, and also makes its enclosing class implictly abstract (an abstract class cannot be instantiated).

If a method is declared Override or Override Final, it must override a virtual method in a base class.

If a method is declared Final or Override Final, it cannot be overriden by any methods in derived classes.

By default, class methods are final.

Function values#

Wonkey supports 'first class' functions.

This means function 'values' can be stored in variables and arrays, passed to other functions and returned from functions.