Conversion Operators#
You can also add 'conversion operators' to classes and structs. These allow you to convert from a custom class or struct type to an unrelated type, such as another class or struct type, or a primitive type such as String.
The syntax for declaring a conversion operator is:
Operator To [ <GenericTypeIdents> ] : Type ()
Conversion operators cannot be used to convert a class type to a base class type, or from any type to bool.
For example, we can add a string conversion operator to a class like this:
Struct Vec2
Field x:Float
Field y:Float
Method New( x:Float,y:Float )
Method ToString:String()
Return "Vec2("+x+","+y+")"
' The string conversion operator
Operator To:String()
Return "Vec2("+x+","+y+")"
This will allow Vec2 values to be implictly converted to strings where possible, for example:
Local v:=New Vec2
Print v
We no longer need to use '.ToString()' when printing the string. Since Print() takes a string argument, and Vec2 has a conversion operator that returns a string, the conversion operator is automatically called for you.