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Line comments#

Line comments can be added using the ' character (ASCII-Code: 39, Hex: $27).
Everything to the right of a single quote ('), until the end of a line, will be interpreted as a comment. Comments will be ignored during compilation time.

' Example showing line comments
Print "hello!"    ' this is a line comment

Block comments#

Multiline comments can be made by using the #Rem and #End preprocessor directives.

#Rem initiates a block-comment and #End ends the block.

#Rem and #End both need to be at the start of the line. They can not be used within code lines.


    This is a multi-line block comment in Wonkey.

Function Main()
    Print "Using #Rem..#End you can write block comments!"


#Rem and #End can also be used for documentation of source-code. This is especially useful for documenting modules/libraries.

  • A 'wonkeydoc' comment starts with #Rem wonkeydoc and ends with #End.
  • Directly after 'wonkeydoc' follows the short description. The short description ends with the current line:
#Rem wonkeydoc Add two integer numbers

    ...Detailed description...

Function Add:Int( a:Int, b:Int )
    Return a + b

Directly after the wonkeydoc-block follows the entity to be documented.

Wonkeydoc can be used with:

  • Namespaces (currently ignored)
  • Interfaces, Classes, Structs, Enums
  • Functions, Methods, Properties, Fields
  • Aliases, Consts

Detailed description#

In the detailed description you can use the following special Wonkeydoc entities, each on a separate line:

  • @param name description - used for documenting function/method parameters
  • @return description - used for describing what a function/method returns.
  • @example .. @end - Used for inserting multi-line examples into the docs.


You can use Markdown syntax for wonkeydoc:

  • ` is used for code blocks
  • * creates lists

Including tables#

You can create tables using the usual Markdown syntax:

| Header Cell 1   | Header Cell 2   | Header Cell 3
| Row 1, Column 1 | Row 1, Column 2 | Row 1, Column 3
| Row 2, Column 1 | Row 2, Column 2 | Row 2, Column 3
| Row 3, Column 1 | Row 3, Column 2 | Row 3, Column 3

You can use links to other wonkeydocs. Links are enclosed in [[ and ]]. An optional title can be set after a '|' character:

[[ link | Title ]]

To create a link to another function in the same file you simply use the name of the function:


To create a link to a class in another module you use the module name and the full name of the entity, including the namespace:



The part after the '|' character is the text that is displayed for the link.

Wonkeydoc for overloaded functions/methods#

Overloaded functions are not documented separately. Wonkeydoc is written for the first of the overloaded functions/methods and all '@params' are included in this one wonkeydoc.


#Rem wonkeydoc Shows a message box

The message box is opened in modal mode and the user
needs to confirm it by pressing the 'OK' button.

MsgBox("Get ready!")
MsgBox(10,10,"Oh no, you lost!")

@param x the x-position for the window

@param y the y-position for the window

@param msg The message for the dialog window

@return This function does not return a value

Function MsgBox( x:Int, y:Int, msg:String )

Function MsgBox( msg:String )

Deprecated docs#

Deprecated wonkeydoc is marked with @deprecated:

#Rem wonkeydoc @deprecated
Function old_func()

Hidden docs#

To skip the documentation of an entity you can use the short description @hidden:

#Rem wonkeydoc @hidden

    This is not included in the documentation.

Function xample()